Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Newsletter! 3/22/2011

New hedgehog! 

We recently acquired a new hedgehog whom we have decided to name Keenai Sugarbum(see picture, you can see his pinto face really well)! He is an adorable boy with a pinto face and two pink ears! He is about three months old and doing great here! We got him about three days ago and so far, he is adjusting quite nicely and fitting right in! We are starting his potty training. It seems that if a hedgehog is not potty trained since birth, they never have good potty manners. Twila has been here for almost four months now and while she is potty trained, she still potties every time we get her out and play with her even if we give her a few minutes. Tillee never goes potty while we are playing. She holds in until we put her back. She is very good about that. Kinder also has very good potty manners. He is very careful where he goes potty. He is a shy boy and is always very cautious. I hope that Keenai will come around!


I think that Twila has ear fungus and I really need to go get some medicine! I recently 'sold' Twila to a family member although I still have her and will take care of her. She needs medicine. I am very lucky that none of her babies got the fungus! She didn't have fungus when they were with her. She is currently in solitary confinement until such a time as she is cured! I would really hate for all of my little hedgies to get fungus. She should be better within a few weeks!


The babies are all in their new homes and, as far as I've heard, they are doing great! The last one went to her home on Saturday the 19th. I hope to hear about them sometime this week!